Power of Simple Networking

September 20, 2009 § 1 Comment

Simple Networking, I mean a meeting with a person irrespective of medium, location or context, is extremely powerful. A simple shake of hands and exchange of “outline bio-data” can prove to be life-changing (very slightly exaggerated). This is possibly true for life in general, but I’d focus only on professionals and about professional contexts.

In the business I’m in, management consulting, one of the most credible channel of business development is through network. Although we envisage the contribution to change in a big way in due course of time, the truth remains that networks generate business. Hence it is imperative that I meet many people, usually of the level of the Head of the Organization (in hope to meet decision-makers to extract quick business). This is amplified by our chosen area of work, Small & Medium Enterprises. “Simple” Networking is thereby a part of life.

I’m sure Simple Networking is the part of everyone’s life and the intensity with which we pursue can influence our progress in a tremendous way. For professionals who are involved in Simple Networking, what I say must be resonating. But it’s not just the intensity of networking, but also the approach to networking is as critical for networking to fetch return.

We are in a world of people and each of us pursues a path of personal incentive. So, when I interact with a person if the interaction is not adding any value to me I would definitely not be interested in continuing. When I say value, I mean bring to the table anything I value: it can be prospective opportunity, knowledge about a topic I’m interested in, delight, entertainment etc. Same applies to me as well. If I can add value to an interaction I strengthen it, and if it is mutual I Network with that person. By networking I establish a relationship that has the potential to generate potential perpetual value.

For example, recently I had the opportunity to meet a person who was involved in an initiative on entrepreneurship and I extended my humble support to that initiative. As part of the interaction I presented another potential opportunity of association and that person immediately agreed. Not only is the association now getting stronger, but also strengthening with this person obliging to connect me to his colleagues as well. The meeting with his person happened unintentionally and co-incidentally when I was visiting someone else over a cup of tea. A Perfect example of “Simple” Networking.

Another time I had the opportunity to meet a professional from an allied industry. We exchanged pleasantries and “outline bio-data”. In weeks we were sitting across the table for a potential opportunity I had found for him. Weeks later we were again sitting across the table with a potential opportunity he had brought for me. Neither of the opportunities actually materialized, but the power of Simple networking played again.

Simple networking can happen anywhere, not only physically. I was approached a couple of years ago by an event coordinator from a premier management institute, who had located me on LinkedIn, to help publicize their event on start-ups in Hyderabad. Even now we interact over Google Talk to share various things related to Innovation, start-ups, incubators etc. There is a potential association brewing, with this person I’ve never even met, for years now which I’m sure will materialize sooner than later.

So I can recollect many simple and shakes which turned out to be strong professional associations due to synergy. But there are some key things to remember. Never over-do. Never hard-sell. Add sufficient value. Be polite yet engaging. Let contribution be two-way. Always follow-up. Relations can be built by one person too. Never hesitate in appreciating. Identify synergy. There are many more, but these are on top of my mind.

Remember that networks can be un-done too. Relationships never last forever. Relationships are forged by doing enough to last, never on their own. In a professional environment once value addition stops there is high likelihood for the association to fall apart. Sometimes it is good but, relationships that are not fruitful, that don’t evoke synergy, that don’t share the same value-system eventually breakdown. Many associations of the past are defunct today because of the same reasons. Some I severed intentionally, some were severed and some were just lost.

So be on the look out to network with the right people. Create mutually beneficial relationships which are strong and lasting. Happy Networking!

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